Where have you been?!!

I'm still here.......thinking.  Will probably post soon...and try once again to keep this a little more updated.
You would think someone that talks as much as I do would blog prolifically.  Not so much.

Oh..and yes, there is a White Mocha here on my desk..almost gone.

A Hummingbird, the Glory of God....and a White Mocha

So....one morning last week, I found myself in the rolling hills of Laguna Niguel with an hour or so to kill. I spied a park and decided to do my quiet time outside instead of in my car. And of course...any early morning errand calls for a yummy white mocha! :-)

I found myself a picnic bench in the middle of a hill with grass and trees and sat down. I'm so thankful for technology. I was able to listen to some great worship songs via my phone whilst sitting in the middle of a beautiful park.
Lately, there have been some difficult situations going on in my family. People I love so much are hurting so badly. They are walking through some dark nights right now. As I prayed, one of my favorite songs came on. This is the song....press play and continue reading.


The chorus;

Jesus Christ, shine into our night
drive our dark away, till Your glory fills our eyes
Jesus Christ, shine into our night
Bind us to Your cross, where we find life

Suddenly, a hummingbird showed up in front of me. I watched him as he flitted in the grass...fully expecting him to fly away any second....as hummingbirds don't stay in one place too long, and there were no flowers to be seen at all. But this hummingbird continued to 'dance' in front of me....up from the grass..then coming towards me..about 5ft away showing me his beautiful green chest...then back down to the grass....and then back close to me...this went on for the entire 5 minute song. Right in front of me!! I kept expecting it to fly away....but it didn't. And as the song ended...he flew to the right of me...then up into a tree, landing for a few seconds...then as the last note of the song played.....he flew away. And I broke down and cried and cried.

Now, mind you, I'm not one to see Jesus' face in the melted butter on my toast. As a matter of fact, because of my weak faith, I fail to see the glory of God everyday.

But this? This was God. No doubt. He brought that hummingbird to dance just for me while listening to just that song, on just that morning when my heart was hurting so badly....to remind me that He is here. He loves me. Nothing is random. He is still on the throne and that everything that seems so out of control??...He has in complete control. Even the smallest hummingbird. Reminding me that it's at the cross where life is found. To remind me that this is not all there is. That Christ secured eternal life for me on that cross and I am on a journey home. And that although we live in a broken world with broken flawed people and so much pain....there are also beautiful joys He has given us. Hummingbirds. Love. Marriage. Babies. Sunsets. Sunrises. Parties. Weddings. Delicious foods. Friendships. Rain. White mochas. How amazingly kind He is considering that all this mess is our own fault. I was reminded there will be an end to the sorrow and tears. That He is coming back to restore this terribly broken world. That someday I will look into the eyes of Christ...and for the first time feel perfect peace. Wow. And to remind me.....until that day...I need to be Preaching2Myself the amazing Good News of Jesus Christ.

Rain, Reflection & White Mochas

So...I'm sitting here at a Starbucks in Irvine on Trabuco Canyon...and it's pouring outside. There is something wonderful about a delicious white mocha while watching the rain. I know, I'll find any excuse for a white mocha, it's true.
I come to this Starbucks on Monday & Wednesday while Sammi is at her Japanese class at Irvine Valley College. And while I usually watch Korean Dramas (a guilty pleasure of mine), I think I may use this time to post on here more often. Nat King Cole is singing right now. It's very pleasant. :)

So, the rain always makes me reflective and litte sad. Rainy days and Mondays. Except today is Wedenesday.

My life has changed a lot in the last year. One daughter moving out....another daughter getting married....and house that used to be--for all intents and purposes--ten people...down to five.
It's all good. I'm enjoying the quiet. The begining of an empty nest. What in the world will I do with myself? I know! I shall get a job at Starbucks making all the white mochas I could ever want!
Okay, maybe not until Sammi graduates.

I pulled the card out of my camera a few minutes ago. Wow. I haven't emptied it in....a few years. I don't take many pictures anymore since my oh-so-Japanese husband got himself a nice camera. He carries that thing around like a purse. When I get to digitally scrapbooking....let's just say I will be busy. Wait! Maybe that's what I will spend my time doing!
At any rate, there were field trip pics, Resolved pics, birthdays gone by pics, youth pics, vacation pics.....some made me smile...some made me tear up with sadness. I'm thankful that the Lord has given us technology like this. I'm a pretty stupid sheep....I'd forget a lot of what He has done if it weren't for pictures.
It's good to smile and cry. It's good to be reminded of all He's done. Makes me aware of all He is doing. That I can trust in His faithfulness. The smiles remind me of His continued goodness to me while I am exiled in Babylon. The tears remind me that I have a Savior who has lived perfectly for me....and that I have a Father who is sovereignly ruling and reigning.
It reminds me to Preach 2 Myself.
Soo...I was thinking of starting to blog again-not that I could ever have said I truly did it before-but I want to try again.
Blogging is like public journaling. I've never ever been a good private journaler, so I've never been too good at this either.
However, if at first, second and third you don't succeed.....try try again, right?
That's it for now. :) I will try and post a bit more later. Really. I will.

A Very Late Update

Wow...I puttered out on this in the first month! I'm such a poor blogger!!

Here we are a little over three months since my first post about this journey.
God has been incredibly gracious towards me...and the rest of my travelling companions. I think we have learned much....and lost much. :)

Honestly, at times this has been overwhelming. God has revealed much sin in this area of my life and at times it has become very wearying to have to stop everyday, all day, whenever I am about to eat ANYTHING, and determine if what I am about to eat is glorifying God or manifesting some form of sin.

But isn't that what we are to be doing with every area of our life? 'Be holy as I am Holy.' Oh! I am so thankful for Christ! I could never do it!! Just having an upclose look at one area like this--and seeing how often I fail...even with my victories-- has made me so very aware of my need for the cross. And it's in the cross of Christ, alone, that I will boast.

'For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God' 1 Cor 1:18

What Motivates You?

I have lots of reasons as to why I want to eat well.

As I started on this change in my life, I realized that I had become enslaved. I don't want to be enslaved by anything...."..'all things are lawful for me' but I will not be enslaved by anything."(1 Cor 6:12).
I want my life to be a testimony to the power of the Spirit-especially to my daughters
I want to honor and glorify God
I want to please God
I want to walk in manner worthy of my Savior

These are all wonderful, and Biblical goals and reasons. But as I worked on my study this week, I grappled with the idea of what exactly will motivate me to even do these things. I know these things;
"I need to honor and glorify the Lord! I will eat right!"
"My testimony is horrible! I will eat right!"
"This is not pleasing to the Lord! I will eat right!"

We are all little legalists at heart....give me a list to check off of things to do! Yes!

But what motivates me to even do these things? Or to keep me going when the going gets tough? Why do I want to please the Lord? Why do I want to glorify the Lord? Why do I want my testimony of Him to be powerful?

The Gospel.

I can't do these things if I am not seeing His love for me through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
"If you love me you will keep my commandments." John 14:15
"We love, because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19

I cannot love Him and keep His commands(i.e, to please Him, to glorify Him, etc) until first I see how much He has loved me through Christ and the cross.

It's the gospel that will motivate me in this. Because He has loved me and rescued me....because of the promises He has made to me I overflow with love and thankfulness and this moves me to want please Him.

What motivates me? The gospel.

I love how God is causing me to grow in a deeper understanding of the cross and all it means to and for me. This will continue for all of my life...and in fact...all of eternity.

Praise the Lord!
So this last week has gone very good. I've eaten well...now I need to get on the exercise portion.
Surprisingly, I didn't struggle at all with eating good. First time in years I've been able to make it through a day let alone an entire week..with a good attitude! All glory to God...clearly it's not me.

Went to a wedding on Saturday and did not even give it a second thought to enjoy the celebration and feasting. I think this is right and Biblical thinking. There is a time for everything. A wedding is a time to feast. The next day I got right back on track...no problem.

I'm excited to be leading a study, Uncommon Vessels: A Program for Developing Godly Eating Habits & Love to Eat, Hate to Eat by Elyse Fitzpatrick.
It looks like there will be 8 other ladies from my church joining me in this endeavor to glorify God in our eating...not just to lose weight...but for a lifetime.

Stan has his group tonight...so I shall spend an evening at home with my two youngest....who knows what we will do....watch Japanese dramas?